Saturday, March 13, 2010

Cooking Blog

I decided to start a blog where I share my experiences baking, frying, grilling, sauteing, and any other type of cooking I come across. I hope to improve my skills in cooking as well as photography (which you will see is in need of some help). What I lack in experience and knowledge, I make up for in fun and a willingness to try new things.

Join me as I begin this journey...


  1. I am so glad that you love to cook. You certainly did not get that gene from me. But your cake sounds wonderful. I will keep watching for other recipes! Did you ever try the Stirling chocolate cake recipe I sent to you? I haven't either but it was really good when we had it last spring. love you Nana

  2. Nana, I haven't tried that recipe yet. I hardly ever have ice cream to serve with it when I think about making it. I want to try it out soon though!
